Friday, March 11, 2011

Student Work

One of the pleasures of teaching is to introduce students to the natural world and ask them to observe and draw what they see. For many children this is difficult, in part because of limited artistic skills, but also because they are still developing their ability to "see." Above are examples of two young people who "see" very well. Natalia (on the left) went deep into the Lantana camara flower to notice that it is actually composed of many tiny flowers clustered together. Naomi (on the right) noticed that the leaf of the Tecoma stans is actually divided into many smaller leaflets.
Having a land laboratory on campus allows us to observe nature without ever leaving the school grounds. Students are given instruction sheets and then, together with their team members, they study a particular area within the garden. At this point in the year, the garden is beginning to come to life, as evidenced by the blooming flowers. This rebirth was an inspiration for these young ladies to capture these treasures of Spring.

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